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Artner Annamária és Fazekas Károly munkaerőpiaci témában írt tanulmányai a Köz-Gazdaságban

A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Közgazdaságtudományi Karának negyedévente megjelenő tudományos folyóirata - Vol 14 No 4 (2019) 11-22. o.

Artner Annamária

Technological advance and labour – A historical and global approach

The author examines the effects of technological advance on the labour market from a non-mainstream, historical and global perspective. First, she presents an overview of the industrial revolutions and their impact on labour and employment and discusses the relation between production techniques and social relations. Then she illuminates some common misunderstandings in connection with the relation of competitiveness and productivity, labour and wage labour and the technology and labour market tensions. Finally, she deals with the social function of education.

Fazekas Károly

Impact of technological development on skills expected in the labour market

It is not only the sectoral and occupational structure of the economy that is changing as technology advances. Within each occupation, there is a significant shift in the content of the job assignments according to the skills that the employees need to complete them. In recent years, the share of jobs requiring both mathematical and non-cognitive skills has increased most rapidly, with the highest decline in jobs requiring typically neither mathematical nor social skills. This article presents the difficulty of defining and measuring non-cognitive skills. We present the results of the economic analysis of the effects of non-cognitive skills and summarize the reasons and the labor market consequences of the appreciation of non-cognitive skills. The study presents the possibility of using artificial intelligence in non-cognitive jobs. In the concluding section of the study we summarize the possible ways of developing and educating non-cognitive skills and their impact on the labour market situation of young people