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1st International Conference on the Automotive Industry – 31st of August – 1st of September, 2020

Organised by the Institute of World Economy, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies and Centre of Excellence for Cybereconomy at the Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences.

Location: internet (Zoom or Teams)

31st of August

15.00-16.30 – Session 1 (in Hungarian)

Short opening of the conference: Magdolna Sass (KRTK VGI)

Reszegi László, Juhász Péter, Hajdú Miklós (Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem) A gazdasági felzárkózás esélyei és kérdőjelei (A CEE országok csapdában?)

Túry Gábor (KRTK VGI) Elhúzódó válságra készülhetünk? Bizonytalansági tényezők az autóipar kilátásaival kapcsolatban.

Sass Magdolna (KRTK VGI) Kifelé irányuló közvetlentőke-befektetések a Visegrádi országok autóiparában: a versenyképesség indikátorai?

16.30-16.40 break

16.40-18.10 – Session 2 (in Enlgish)

Szász Levente, Csíki Ottó, Rácz Béla-Gergely, Benedek Botond, Săplăcan Zsuzsa, Györfy Lehel-Zoltán (Babes-Bolyai University) The impact of Industry 4.0 technologies on the human resources of multinational companies in the automotive sector

Havas Attila (KRTK KTI) Weber M. K. (AIT, Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH & Université Gustave Eiffel) Disruptive changes and policy governance modes: the case of automobile industry and new mobility services

Gáspár Tamás, Natsuda Kaoru, Sass Magdolna (BGE Centre of Excellence for Cybereconomy) Backward linkages in the Hungarian automotive industry: where are the links concentrated?

1st of September

8.30-10.00 – Session 3 (in English)

Natsuda, Kaoru, Csonka László, Sass Magdolna (BGE Centre of Excellence for Cybereconomy) Magyar Suzuki Corporation and the Hungarian Automotive Industry

Lux Gábor (KRTK RKK) GVC and own product-based development strategies among mid-sized Hungarian manufacturing firms

Hajdu-Smahó Melinda (Széchenyi István University Győr) Impacts of autonomous vehicles on cities.

15.00-16.00 Keynote lecture

prof. Petr Pavlínek, Charles University of Prague and University of Nebraska Omaha

Restructuring and internationalization of the European automotive industry

16.15-17.45 Session 4 (in English)

Józsa Viktória (Norconsult) Automotive Industry and COVID in Hungary – Challenges, Policy Measures and Impacts

Pelle Anita, Sass Magdolna, Tabajdi Gabriella (Szeged University, KRTK VGI) European integration, Brexit, Industry 4.0 and COVID: how East-Central Europe’s automotive industry can be affected?

Szalavetz Andrea (KRTK VGI) Impact of digital technologies on the nature of automotive shop-floor work


Participation is free, registration for the conference: