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Fertő Imre plenáris előadást tart a IV. Nemzetközi Vidékfejlesztési Konferencián

A Szent István Egyetem Öntözési és Vízgazdálkodási Intézet 2020. november 26-án rendezi meg a IV. Nemzetközi Vidékfejlesztési Konferenciáját “Chances and Challenges for the European Rural Development (2021-2027)” címmel. A konferencia idén on-line formában kerül megrendezésre.

4th International Scientific Conference on Rural Development entitled”Chances
and Challenges for the Eropean Rural Development (2021-2027)”

Plenary lectures, presentation:

11.10 – 11.45 Prof. Dr. Imre FERTŐ: Do Local Food Purchases Help Local Economies? (Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungary)

The aim of the conference:
In the new planning period, the Multiannual Financial Framework and the Next Generation EU are designed to mitigate the socio-economic consequences of the Covid19 pandemic in the European Union. In addition, these two instruments together will help the EU to strengthen the mainstreaming of key Community policies and climate considerations, as well as the digital switchover and regional cohesion, resilience building and the management of the BREXIT situation.
But what does this mean for us? What do the European countryside, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, experience from these effects? To what extent do the resources of the new planning period contribute to the retention of rural capacity, the development of local opportunities and sustainable development?
The aim of the conference is to provide practitioners, creators of rural development and representatives of scientific community with scientific tools and methods to practise common thinking and outline effective problem-solving methods.