Kováts Bence konzervatív magyar lakáspolitikáról szóló új cikkével elnyerte az Európai Lakhatáskutató Hálózat (European Network for Housing Research) idei Bengt Turner-díját, amit az ENHR éves konferenciáján a legjobb cikket előadó fiatal kutatónak osztanak ki. Gratulálunk kutatónknak!

Bence Kováts
Institute for Regional Studies, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Békéscsaba, Hungary
Title: The Conservative Housing Regime: Conditions of Its Emergence and Its Long-term Path Dependence in Hungary
Abstract: Compared to liberalism and social democracy, conservative ideology is presented in the literature to have had an ambiguous and much less significant influence on housing policy-making. The article argues that alongside measures facilitating the commodification of housing based in liberal ideology and those fostering the de-commodification of housing rooted in social democracy, the conservative idea of preserving the traditional family home as a major component of traditional life has also underlain housing policy-making in various countries and eras. Based on the theoretical works exploring the manifestation of conservatism in housing policy, characteristics of a conservative housing regime are defined. The construction, retrenchment and reconstruction of the Hungarian conservative housing regime over the past 120 years is then reviewed to trace mechanisms and conditions contributing to the enduring significance of the paradigm. The article concludes that the influence of landed aristocracy on housing policy-making at the beginning of the 20th century, the forceful retrenchment of the conservative housing paradigm during state socialism and the disillusionment with neoliberalism after the 2009 mortgage crisis are the main causes behind the (re-)construction of a markedly conservative housing regime in Hungary in the past decade.