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Grünhut Zoltán új tanulmánya megjelent az On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe szakfolyóiratban

Europeanness and late modernity

Revisiting the concept of cosmopolitan Europe

Grünhut Zoltán

On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe
Interdisciplinary studies
edited by the Faculty of European Studies (Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Issue No. 37 | December 2021 | pp. 46-63



The current paper revisits the concept of cosmopolitan Europe developed by Ulrich Beck and Edgar Grande 15 years ago. The objective of this review is to shed light on the increasing actuality of the authors’ argument in our social-political constellation suggests that Europe is in desperate need of progressive reinvention. The paper addresses the concept of cosmopolitan Europe in the social theoretical framework of Late Modernity. This lens helps to better understand the future scenarios ahead of the European Union as well as the interlinked options for individual and institutional responses could be taken adequately in this era of global-local

Keywords: Europe, Cosmopolitanism, Europeanness, Late Modernity.