Kiss Hubert János, Kóczy Á. László és Sziklai Balázs cikke a Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics szakfolyóiratban

Does risk sorting explain overpricing in experimental asset markets? Hubert J. Kiss, László Á. Kóczy, Ágnes Pintér, Balázs R. Sziklai Available online 20 April 2022 Highlights Filtering out risk-averse investors is practiced widely in Europe. We sort subjects into markets by risk attitude and test its effect on overpricing. Markets with the most risk tolerant […]
Kevesebben jelentkeznek Magyarországon egyetemre, mint három éve

Holb Éva és Vit Eszter írása a KRTK blogban a Portfolion
Elérhető a Nemes Gusztáv részvételével megvalósuló FUTUR(e) ABILITIY Erasmus+ projekt beszámolója

The following report results from the research activities carried out from June to December 2021 by Futur(e)ability partners. It offers an overview of the teaching skills needed to face digital readiness during pandemic, offering details about the pedagogical approach and methodologies to use with a focus on visual methods. The approach to the research was mainly […]