Barsi Boglárka és Hardi Tamás könyvfejezete az Interreg program támogatásával megjelent kézikönyvben

SUSTAINABLE MODEL FOR SOCIAL ENTERPRISES AND ALTRUISTIC ENTREPRENEURS Guideline manual edited by Marino Cavallo and Francesco Silvestri INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE programme as part of the CE RESPONSIBLE project Bologna University Press, 2022. The CE Responsible project’s aim is to connect altruistic entrepreneurs (i.e. for-profit businesses that also follow social/ecological goals in some ways) and the world of Social […]
Biró Péter, Jankó Zsuzsanna és szerzőtársaik tanulmánya megjelent a European Journal of Operational Research szakfolyóiratban

College admissions with ties and common quotas: Integer programming approach Kolos Csaba Ágoston, Péter Biró, Endre Kováts, Zsuzsanna Jankó European Journal of Operational Research Volume 299, Issue 2, 1 June 2022, Pages 722-734 Abstract Admission to universities is organised in a centralised scheme in Hungary. In this paper we investigate two major specialities […]