Fertő Imre, Bakucs Zoltán és Csurilla Gergely előadásai a dublini Beeronomics konferencián

7th Beeronomics Conference June 20-23, 2022 at Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Zoltán Bakucs, Imre Fertő: Location of Hungarian microbreweries. An analysis on three territorial aggregation levels Imre Ferto, Gergely Csurilla: The impact of markups on export behaviour: Firm level evidence from Hungarian beer industry Gergely Csurilla, Zoltán Bakucs: Does online […]
Szunomár Ágnes és Kalotay Kálmán írása megjelent a Baltic Sea Region Policy Briefing sorozatában

Chinese investment in the Baltic Sea region:Main characteristics and policy challenges By Kálmán Kalotay and Ágnes Szunomár 23.06.2022 – Centrum Balticum Abstract This report analyses the dynamics and main features of Chinese investment, especially foreign direct investment (FDI), in the Baltic Sea region, as well as the policy challenges that such investment […]