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Fertő Imre, Sass Magdolna és szerzőtársuk cikke megjelent az Applied Economics Letters szakfolyóiratban


Gravity models with TiVA data: do they bring new results?

Imre Fertő – Mahammad Kheyirkhabarli – Magdolna Sass

Applied Economics Letters – Published online: 11 Nov 2022


Using Trade in Value Added (TiVA) data in gravity models may result in new insights into international trade. The aim of this article is to compare whether for a large set of OECD and non-OECD countries, relying on ‘traditional’ foreign trade data and TiVA data results in differences in gravity model estimations. According to our results, these differences are minor, which can be explained by the fact that the inclination of countries to trade gross and value added may be similar.

KEYWORDS: Global value chainstrade in value added datagravity models

JEL CODES: C19, F14, F60