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Megjelent Bálint Dóra, Horeczki Réka, Kálmán Judit és Lux Gábor könyvfejezete a Springer kézikönyvében


Coworking Places in Hungary During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dóra Bálint, Réka Horeczki, Judit Kalman & Gabor Lux 


European Narratives on Remote Working and Coworking During the COVID-19 Pandemic 

pp 107–114

Open Access – First Online: 

Part of the SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology book series (BRIEFSPOLIMI)


A global pandemic affected the type and place of work in several ways. For coworking places it caused disruptions according to direct (e.g. measures) and indirect (e.g. urban outmigration) reasons. The present chapter focuses on how coworking places in Hungary choose different adaptation strategies to deal with the unprecedented challenge that COVID-19 accounted for. It gives insight into the Hungarian pandemic situation between 2020 and 2022, identifying restrictions and no state financial aid whatsoever which determined the playing field for coworking places. The chapter contains different sections related to the outbreak and the Hungarian coworking landscape as well as coping strategies these alternative workspaces relied on to survive the first two years of the pandemic: location change, size reduction, change of function, and relying on informal networks are the identified ones.