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Schlotter Ildikó és szerzőtársai tanulmánya megjelent a Discrete Applied Mathematics szakfolyóiratban


Shortest odd paths in undirected graphs
with conservative weight functions


Alpár Jüttner, Csaba Király, Lydia Mirabel Mendoza-Cadena,
Gyula Pap, Ildikó Schlotter, Yutaro Yamaguchi


Discrete Applied Mathematics

Volume 357, 15 November 2024, Pages 34-50
Discrete Applied Mathematics


  • The problem with conservative weights and negative edges forming a tree is in P.
  • FPT algorithm with parameter the number of negative edges (conservativeness assumed).
  • FPT algorithm with parameter treewidth.




Keywords: Shortest odd path, Parity constrained odd path, Fixed-parameter algorithms, Treewidth, Monadic second-order logic