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Bíró Péter szerzőtársakkal írt cikkét díjjal jutalmazta a spanyol operációkutatási társaság



Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research

BBVA Foundation Awards 2024

Best applied contribution in Operations Research



Peter Biró (senior researcher at the en el Centre for Economic and Regional Studies and associate professor at the Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary), Flip Klijn (scientific director of the Institute for Economic Analysis, National Research Agency, and research professor at the Barcelona School of Economics), Xenia Klimentova (senior researcher in Enterprise Systems Engineering at the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science, INESC TEC) and Ana Viana (coordinator professor of Engineering at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto and senior researcher of Industrial Engineering and Management at the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science, INESC TEC), for their paper Shapley–Scarf housing markets: respecting improvement, integer programming, and kidney exchange, published in Mathematics of Operations Research.

This paper proposes strong contributions to the optimization and design of allocation rules with a special focus on Kidney Exchange Programs (KEP). The paper is a remarkable combination of different types of interesting results and findings that can be expected to have a significant impact on the use of kidney exchange mechanisms in the field and can alter our approaches to kidney exchange in the long run because of its theoretical and practical findings.