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Az orosz gázfüggőség változását követi nyomon Weiner Csaba szerzőtársaival írt új cikkében

Journal of Contemporary European Studies –  Published online: 31 Jul 2024


The Eastern enlargements of the EU increased the bloc’s dependency on Russian gas and contributed to a more cautious attitude towards these supplies. This paper assesses the Russian gas dependency of the 11 Central and East European new member states according to the ambition and execution of their national energy strategies and compares it to the gas dependency shifts in the old member states. Two composite indicators of gas dependency – one for supply and one for demand – based on nine individual indicators were used for this evaluation, calculated for 2004, 2019, and 2022. We find that the new member states mostly reduced gas dependency through supply-side measures, while old member states increased dependency through some combination of worsening supply- or demand-side situations until Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

The behaviour of member states was influenced by different perceptions of vulnerability and a varying sense of threat in the pre-war period. The old member states did not perceive their Russian gas dependency as a significant risk, whereas the new member states viewed this as a high-risk factor. New gas infrastructure capacity has contributed to diversification from Russia, but reducing gas demand did not receive much attention before the invasion.

Keywords: EU member states, Eastern enlargement, Russian gas, gas demand and supply dependency, indicator-based assessment, energy strategies