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Sclotter Ildikó, Fleiner Tamás és Biró Péter cikke megjelent a Mathematics of Operations Research szakfolyóiratban

Mathematics of Operations Research
– Published Online:



We study housing markets as introduced by Shapley and Scarf. We investigate the computational complexity of various questions regarding the situation of an agent a in a housing market H: we show that it is 𝖭𝖯-hard to find an allocation in the core of H in which (i) a receives a certain house, (ii) a does not receive a certain house, or (iii) a receives a house other than a’s own. We prove that the core of housing markets respects improvement in the following sense: given an allocation in the core of H in which agent a receives a house h, if the value of the house owned by a increases, then the resulting housing market admits an allocation in its core in which a receives either h or a house that a prefers to h; moreover, such an allocation can be found efficiently. We further show an analogous result in the Stable Roommates setting by proving that stable matchings in a one-sided market also respect improvement.