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Hoyk Edit és szerzőtársai cikke megjelent a Gradus folyóiratban


Sustainability in focus: the development of knowledge base and eco-farm assessment tool in the CAPTIVATE project


Virág Mihálka, Edit Hoyk, Irén Kőszegi, András Palkovics,
Katalin Allacherné Szépkuthy, László Gábor Papócsi


Gradus – Vol 11, No 3 (2024)


One of the key objectives of the new CAP (2023-2027) is to ensure the contribution of agriculture to achieving the EU’s Environment and Climate Policy objectives. Within the framework of the CAPTIVATE project, we aimed to develop a farmer-centred evaluation and training system with the participation of experts from five institutions. The main goal of this system is to improve the understanding of farmers and advisors regarding sustainable agriculture. As part of the initiative, an e-learning platform was established to offer a course on the theoretical background on sustainable agriculture, essential EU strategies and connections between good ecopractices in organic farming and new CAP subsidies. In addition, an Eco-Farm Assessment and Decision Tool (EAD) was developed that allows farmers to evaluate their farms from a sustainability standpoint, and based on its findings, it proposes where and how improvements are needed. The electronic platform was presented to the stakeholders through multiplier events in four countries.


Keywords: CAPTIVATE, sustainability, EU’s Environment and Climate Policy, Eco-Farm Assessment and Decision Tool, good ecological practices