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Comparative analysis of small towns in Bulgaria and Hungary – Theoretical framework

Hajdú-Smahó Melinda, Hardi Tamás, Horváthné Barsi Boglárka, Páthy Ádám, és szerzőtársaik

Megjelent a Regionális Kutatások Intézete kutatói: Hajdú-Smahó Melinda, Hardi Tamás, Horváthné Barsi Boglárka, Páthy Ádám, és szerzőtársaik, Ilieva Nadezhda, Desislava Varadzhakova Desisilava, Poleganova Dessislava, Kazakov Boris, Marina Raykova, Ravnachka Aleksandra tanulmánya

‘Comparative analysis of small towns in Bulgaria and Hungary Theoretical framework’


a Problemi Na Geografijata / Problems Of Geography /3-4•2024/ folyóiratban.

A tanulmány a Magyar és a Bolgár Tudományos Akadémia által támogatott kétéves közös kutatási projekt eredményei alapján készült.

Teljes szöveg /PDF/


Definitions of small towns vary across European Union countries. Typically, the criteria for defining them as such are related to population size, density, and functions. Current paper aims to elaborate a theoretical framework for comparative analysis of small towns in Bulgaria and Hungary by presenting a critical review of theoretical debate on the definition and the nature of small towns in the European context; a thorough examination of the theoretical debate related to the concept and distinct features of small towns in Hungary; and a comprehensive analysis of the scholarly discourse that underpins the notions and unique characteristics of small towns in Bulgaria.

Keywords: settlement network, comparative analysis, theoretical framework, Bulgaria, Hungary, small towns