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A nyelvünkbe van kódolva a siker - Keller Tamás és Kiss Hubert János cikke a KRTK blogban Tovább olvasom

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Csáji Gergely Kál és szerzőtársai tanulmánya megjelent az Advances in Mathematics szakfolyóiratban Tovább olvasom

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Tovább olvasom

Contemporary Varieties of Capitalism conference

The Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies is organizing an international conference with the title

Contemporary Varieties of Capitalism: cutting-edge debates and recent tendencies in the East-Central and Eastern European region

Date: March 24, 2022, 9.00-14.00

Venue: Humán Tudományok Kutatóháza, 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán utca 4. Rooms K013-14 (in person) and online (Zoom)

Program of the International Conference

Chair: Miklós Szanyi (Institute of World Economy)

9.009.05 Welcome: Magdolna Sass (Institute of World Economy)

9.0511.20 1st session

Andrei Yakovlev (Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia)
Evolution of State
Business Relations in PostSoviet Russia

Éva Voszka (University of Szeged) Revival of industrial policies in the US and in the EU

Kálmán Kalotay (Institute of World Economy) Questions about the global minimum tax:
a brave new world?

10.5511.20 Coffee break

11.2013.00 2nd session

Beáta Farkas (University of Szeged) Health crisis management
in Central and Eastern

Piotr Kozarzewski (CASE, Warsaw, Poland) State corporate control
in post
communist economies

István Benczes and Judit Ricz (Institute of World Economy and Corvinus University of
Analogies of Historical State Capitalism Models and Current Hybrid Regimes:
Insights from East Asia for Hungary

13.0513.10 wrapping up of the conference (Miklós Szanyi, Institute of World Economy)

13.1014.00 Lunch

Please note that participation is free but registration is mandatory!

In your feedback sent to by March 18 2022, please indicate whether you wish to attend the event online (Zoom) or in person.