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Megjelent Havas Attila tanulmánya az Encyclopedia of Social Innovation kiadványban



Encyclopedia of Social Innovation


Edited by Jürgen Howaldt, Director and Christoph Kaletka, Deputy Director, Social Research Centre Dortmund, TU Dortmund University, Germany with the assistance of Marthe Zirngiebl, Daniel Krüger and Karina Maldonado-Mariscal


Published by Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Publication Date: 2023

Extent: 498 pp


This invaluable Encyclopedia presents an interdisciplinary and comprehensive overview of the field of social innovation, providing an insightful view into potential future developments both practically and theoretically.

This title contains one or more Open Access chapters.

Havas Attila tanulmánya Social innovation research and innovation studies címmel a 89-94. oldalon olvasható.