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The hydrogen finger-pointing game - article by John Szabó Read more

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How to measure consumer's inconsistency in sensory testing? New research article by László Sipos, Péter Biró and co-authors Read more

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The effect of positive feedback on primary school students’ academic self-concept - research article by Tamás Keller Read more

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Heterogeneity of Emerging Multinationals and the Role of the State – The Case of Czechia and Hungary - by Magdolna Sass Read more

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KTI Seminar: Johannes Wachs

The lecture will take place in a hybrid format via zoom interface and in person in room K.11-12; from 13:00 on 4 April 2024.

Előadó: Johannes Wachs


In the weekly seminar session led by Johannes Wachs, the focus will be on the impact of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. We will discuss how the availability of LLMs has changed the way people access information online, with a particular emphasis on the decline in activity on platforms like Stack Overflow. The session will also include insights from a recent randomized control trial on incentivizing contributions to online public goods. Join us to learn more about the evolving landscape of online information sharing.