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Project updates
EdEN – Education Economics Network (2016-2018) supported by the European union H2020 programmePartners: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Universiteit Maastricht, Politecnico Milano
The 4th workshop on Efficiency in Education will be held in Milano on the 20-21 October, organized by our partner the Politecnico Milano. The workshop focuses on specific challenges for the educational sector, bringing together scholars from various disciplines and fields, for debating together about the present and future challenges in the area of educational efficiency, performance measurement, and policy and managerial implications of the results obtained by ongoing research. See the conference website
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Firms, Strategy and Performance Research Group (2013-2018) supported by the HAS Momentum Program
Holger Görg, László Halpern and Balázs Muraközy published a paper in the newest issue of The World Economy, analysing the relationship between distance and f.o.b. (free on board) export unit values using firm–product–destination data from Hungarian manufacturing. Using 10-digit Harmonized System data, they show that a doubling of distance is associated with about 7.5 per cent increase in the average product-level price, from which five percentage points can be attributed to within-firm–product variation. Interestingly, the measured effect is very similar for domestic and foreign firms but distance seems to matter somewhat more for EU countries than outside the EU. Read the paper
Publication highlights
Faragó László: The social (sociological) turn in the discourse about space. Romanian Review of Regional Sudies. Journal of the Centre for Regional Geography Vol. 12. No 1. 2016. p. 3-12.
Space is not a concrete physical element of reality but it is an interpreted social construction. It is a condition of possibility, which can only be observed in the multiple forms of appearance of beings. Space, time, the medium that makes them observable and the observer always “go together”. The representation of space that we live in and experience indirectly is very similar to external reality and, thus, provides ontological certainty and a sense of feeling at home in the routine of our everyday life. Space (structure) is not an external cause but the functioning mode of the relations that connect those who exist together; it is a zeitgeist and context. In the final section, the author provides examples of the possible applications of the socio-spatial perspective presented in this paper. Read more
Lengyel Balázs, Jakobi Ákos: Online social networks, location, and the dual effect of distance from the centre. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie Vol. 107. No. 3. 2016. p. 298-315.
Online social networks (OSN) are major platforms of ICT-enabled communication, supporting place-independent social life. However, recent findings suggest that the geographical location of users strongly affects network topology. Therefore, OSNs may be simultaneously related to locations and also unlocked from offline geographies. Our paper addresses this dual-faced phenomenon, analysing the location-specific effect on OSN diffusion and OSN usage. Read more
Solymosi Tamás, Sziklai Balázs: Characterization sets for the nucleolus in balanced games. Operations Research Letters Vol. 44. No. 4. 2016. p. 520-524.
Authors provide a new modus operandi for the computation of the nucleolus in cooperative games with transferable utility. Using the concept of dual game they extend the theory of characterization sets. Dually essential and–if the game is monotonic–dually saturated coalitions determine both the core and the nucleolus whenever the core is non-empty. They show how these two sets are related to the existing characterization sets. Read more
Szalavetz Andrea: Post-crisis developments in multinational corporations’ global organizations. Competition and Change Vol. 20. No. 4. 2016. p. 221-236.
This paper investigates multinational corporations’ organizational responses to the global financial crisis. Relying on qualitative content analysis of the annual reports of multinational corporations in the automotive, electronics and machinery industries, and drawing on the results of interviews made with senior local executives, the association between the adverse turn in the business cycle and multinational corporations’ organizational reconfiguration actions is analysed, together with the key drivers of organizational restructuring. Read more
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Recent conference presentations
Madarász Aladár: International monetary policy and the price level – Káldor’s Hungarian article on the Macmillan Report in 1931
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Oblath Gábor – Popper Dávid: The „Kaldor-paradox”: a reappraisal Real exchange rate changes, export performance, currency misalignments and economic growth in the member states of the European Union
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Event: Economic Growth and Social Equity – Conference on Nicholas Kaldor’s legacy in the 21st century, 30 September, Budapest Organizer: Department of Economic Policy at Corvinus University of Budapest, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Budapest
Bisztray Márta: The effect of foreign-owned large plant closures on nearby firms
Event: Vienna Investment Conference 14-15 September, Vienna Organizer: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Kiel Institute for the World Economy
The topic of the conference was “Quality FDI, Growth and Development”. Among the participants there were policy experts and academics, as well as high-level practitioners and policy makers.The focus of the conference was motivated by the important role foreign direct investments play as a welfare improving mechanism that was also highlighted by theUnited Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Márta presented her paper in one of the technical sections.
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Orosz Ágnes – Szunomár Ágnes: The Role of Foreign Trade and Investment in Transition – Application of East Central European Experiences to Myanmar
Event: Association of South East Asian Studies in the UK (ASEASUK) Conference Organiser: University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies
The presentation analyses the initial steps and challenges of structural transformation in Visegrad countries (V4, i.e. Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) and discusses their changing trade and investment patterns. This section is followed by the analysis of the similarities of CLMV (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam) and V4 countries as well as the applicability of economic policy decisions of one group of countries in the other.
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Upcoming events
Economics with policy – international seminar series, Budapest
27 Oct 10.00 am Bogdan J. Góralczyk, director of the Centre for Europe, Univeristy of Warsaw: Europe in China’s New Strategy