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Acta Oeconomica special issue on the Internationalisation of Central and Eastern European firms

Volume 69, Issue S2, December 2019

“We put together this Special Issue in the hope that the studies presented here contribute to our understanding about the internationalisation of firms, especially in the CEE region. Some of the findings can, however, be of significance for oth-er regions and countries as well. Furthermore, the papers emphasised not only the new results, but also the “deviances” from what we expect based on the theoreti-cal models or experiences of other developed or emerging country firms. Thus, we would like to underscore the CEE-specificities of the result presented in the six papers, which call for further research and for the recognition of the impor-tance of region-specific analyses.”

Magdolna Sass – Péter Mihályi:  Introduction to the Special Issue on the Internationalisation of Central and Eastern European firms

>>> FDI workshop 2018. november 21.