The Visegrad economies form a unique group of European countries, with numerous common elements of history, politics, geography, economics, business, science, arts and culture. These common elements have been shaped, influenced and modified by many external and internal factors over the history, including cooperation between these countries at many levels and spanning many centuries. The latest form of their political cooperation, the Visegrad Group, which was established inVisegrad to promote progress and development in the region, turned 30 years’ old this year.
Due to these numerous common characteristics, in the various areas of analysis, the four countries act as „natural” comparative partners for each other. It is easier to understand developments and challenges faced by one country in the context of Visegrad comparison. It is easier to understand, what is going on in the Central and East European part of Europe, if all four countries are analysed.
The aim of the present conference is to further strengthen these comparative approaches, through concentrating on four areas.
Preliminary programme of the conference
3 June
8.50-9.00 Opening of the conference
9.00-10.30 Session
Emerging foreign multinationals in the Visegrad countries as new sources of FDI
Moderator: Ágnes Szunomár (CERS IWE)
Kálmán Kalotay (UNCTAD)
Emerging foreign multinationals – Major trends and patterns
Ágnes Szunomár (Institute of World Economics, CERS)
Emerging market multinationals in East Central Europe
Agnieszka McCaleb (SGH Warsaw School of Economics)
Changing characteristics of Chinese multinationals in Poland
10.35-11.35 keynote lecture
Christopher Walsch (Corvinus University)
The Central Europe of the Visegrad Group. Achievements and deficiencies of an emerging actor in the European Union.
11.35-11.45 Break
11.45-13.15 Session
FDI-based development in the Visegrad countries and its challenges
Moderator: Magdolna Sass (CERS IWE)
Martin Grancay (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava) and Tomás Dudás (Pan-European University)
Effects and limitations of the FDI-based development in Slovakia
Martin Myant (ETUI): The competitive advantages of incoming and indigenous firms, evidence from Czechia
Ryszard Rapacki (SGH Warsaw School of Economics): Comparative development trajectories of the V4 countries
Miklós Szanyi (Institute of World Economics, CERS): The historic determinants of East-Central Europe’s FDI dependence
4 June
9.00-10.30 Session
Visegrad countries in the European Union
Moderator: Andrea Éltető (CERS IWE)
Ladislav Cabada (Metropolitan University Prague): V4 in the EU: toxic group or second engine of the integration?
Karen Henderson (Institute of European Studies and International Relations, Comenius University in Bratislava): Solidarity in diversity: political aspects of V4 cooperation
Adam A. Ambroziak(Collegium of World Economy, Warsaw School of Economics): The Visegrad countries’ Extra-EU Trade After the EU Accession
Norbert Szijártó (Institute of World Economics, CERS): Visegrad countries and the Eurozone
10.30-11.30 keynote lecture
Jan Drahokoupilb(ETUI): FDI-based development in the Visegrad countries and its challenges
11.30-11.45 Break
11.45-13.15 Session
30 years of energy and climate policies in V4
Moderator: András Deák (CERS IWE)
Margarita Balmaceda, Ph.D (School of Diplomacy and International Relations, Seton Hall University, Boston)
Aron Buzogany (Institute of Forest, Environmental and Natural Resource Policy, Universitat für Bodenkultur, Wien)
Martin Jirusek, (Department of International Relations and European Studies, Masaryk University, Brno)
13.15-13.20 closing of the conference
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