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How to measure consumer’s inconsistency in sensory testing? - by László Sipos Read more

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Assessing Greece’s transition to digital diplomacy: insights from Twitter/X - new co-authored research article by Sára Gibárti Read more

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Job relatedness, local skill coherence and economic performance: a job postings approach - study by Zoltán Elekes and co-authors Read more

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A book chapter co-authored by Tünde Virág with Vera Messing has been published in a book titled: Urban Marginality, Racialization, Interdependence Read more

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New scientific article by Tamás Keller and Hubert János on cheating students in PLOS One

  Do exhausted primary school students cheat more? A randomized field experiment Tamás Keller,  Hubert János Kiss Abstract Motivated by the two-decade-long scientific debate over the existence of the ego-depletion effect, our paper contributes to exploring the scope conditions of ego-depletion theory. Specifically, in a randomized experiment, we depleted students’ self-control with a cognitively demanding […]