Polish-Hungarian Cooperation for Energy Security in the context of Energy Transition and Economy Competitiveness
Polish-Hungarian Cooperation for Energy Security in the context of Energy Transition and Economy Competitiveness
Edited by: M. Ruszel, A. Wiktowska
The Scientific Publishing House of the Ignacy Łukasiewicz Institute for Energy Policy, Rzeszów 2022
ISBN 978-83-958517-3-5 (e-book)
ISBN 978-83-958517-2-8 (paperback)
>>> Download free e-book version
Chapter 7/ pp. 86-113
Considering renewable potentials and supporting policy for
energy transition
Viktor Varjú
“This chapter seeks to examine the different types of potential that might influence the increase in renewable energy development. Emphasising the factors within the different types of resource potential, the chapter also gives an insight into the Polish and Hungarian situation. As this is an overview, data and literature sources are provided in the text to go further and more deeply into the assumption of local potential taking into consideration the complexity of renewable energy use tackled in this chapter.”