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“Challenges of Industry 4.0 in the Visegrád Group” by Andrea Éltető in Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry


Challenges of Industry 4.0 in the Visegrád Group

Andrea Éltető

Centre for Economic and Regional Studies,
Institute of World Economics

Published: 2022-02-08

Vol. 49 No. 2 (2021): Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry



This article provides a snapshot describing the position of the Visegrád Group in terms of adopting Industry 4.0 technologies.
Despite being promoted and supported by the state, the introduction of these modern methods is still not as widespread as in other EU member states.
The reason for this is the heterogeneity of firms: there are substantial differences between large and small as well as foreign and domestic firms.
Statistics, surveys and interviews have proven that foreign-owned, larger companies are front-runners, while smaller domestic ones face considerable financial and technological challenges.
However, it is concluded that the main problem is the continued lack of the necessary skilled labour force.

Keywords: Industry 4.0, Visegrád Group, Foreign Direct Investment