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Accessible, But Not Acceptable - Europe’s shifting relationship with natural gas - by András Deák and John Szabó Read more

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From Vodka to Craft Beer – The Craft Beer Revolution in the Baltic States - by Zoltán Bakucs and Imre Fertő Read more

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Digitalization against tax evasion: evidence on the role of company size - co-authored article by Csaba G. Tóth Read more

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Peers, parents, and self-perceptions: the gender gap in mathematics self-assessment - new co-authored article by Anna Adamecz Read more

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Editorial article on research topic “Challenges to Local Democracy” by Judit Keller and Sara Svensson in Frontiers in Political Science

Editorial: Challenges to Local Democracy: Democratization Efforts and Democratic Backsliding at the Sub-national Level Sara Svensson /School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden/ and Judit Keller /Eötvös Loránd Research Network, Center for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute for Regional Studies, Budapest, Hungary/ Editorial article – Published on 10 March 2022 “There […]