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Economic and demographic dynamics in Central-European border regions between 2014-2020 Read more

by Gábor Lados, Dávid Nagy and Réka Horeczki Read more

New paper by Csaba G. Tóth on population dynamics Read more

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New articles by researchers of Institute of Regional Studies in Deturope - edited by Ildikó Egyed and Szilárd Rácz Read more

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The hydrogen finger-pointing game - article by John Szabó Read more

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New research article by Ágnes Cseh and co-authors in Springer Constraints

  A collection of Constraint Programming models for the three-dimensional stable matching problem with cyclic preferences Ágnes Cseh, Guillaume Escamocher, Begüm Genç & Luis Quesada  Constraints (2022) Published: 1  June 2022 Abstract We introduce five constraint models for the 3-dimensional stable matching problem with cyclic preferences and study their relative performances under diverse configurations. While […]