Challenging Science and Innovation Policy
Utrecht, 1-3 June 2022, hosted by Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University
The “European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation” (Eu-SPRI Forum)
aims to strengthen the vibrant but dispersed interdisciplinary community of researchers focusing on interdisciplinary dimensions related to policy and governance in the field of knowledge creation and innovation.
Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation (SPRI) is a growing research field since the 1960s, evolving at the encounter of economics, political science, sociology, Science and Technology Studies (STS), business administration, geography and history.
The full programme can be found here: EuSPRI 2022 – Programme. The extended abstracts of all presentations can be found here: Eu-SPRI 2022 – extended abstracts (PDF) .
- Havas A: Interactions among societal and professional RTDI actors in four different futures;
- Havas A, Schartinger D, Weber KM: Innovation Studies, Social Innovation, and Sustainability Transitions Research: From mutual ignorance towards an integrative perspective?
- Havas A, Weber KM, Giesecke S, Wasserbacher D: Context scenarios to underpin EU R&I policies