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A Comparison of 5v5 and 3×3 Men’s Basketball Regarding Shot Selection and Efficiency – new paper by Gergely Csurilla et al.


A Comparison of 5v5 and 3×3 Men’s Basketball
Regarding Shot Selection and Efficiency

by Zoltan Boros – Kata Toth – Gergely Csurilla – Tamas Sterbenz
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19(22), 15137;
Published: 16 November 2022
This article belongs to the Special Issue:
Sports Psychology for Athletes and Coaches


Background: Both in 5v5 and 3×3 basketball, the goal of the players is to score more points than the opponent. However, the differences in rules between two basketball disciplines can affect thinking, behaviour, and decisions of the players. A core difference between two disciplines is the value of the shots. In 5v5, long-range shots are worth three points and close-range two, while in 3×3, their values are two and one points, respectively.

As the value ratio of the close and long-range shots is greater in 3×3, we assume that players make different decisions about their shot selection in 3×3 than in 5v5, which can affect offensive efficiency. Methods: We analysed game statistics of the 2019 men’s 5v5 and 3×3 Basketball World Cups. Besides regular statistical indicators, we applied relative offensive rating to be able to compare the two disciplines. Results: The analysis of relative offensive rating showed that offences are more effective in 5v5 than in 3×3. We also found significant difference in shot selection and efficiency. In 3×3, there is a higher proportion of the shots than in 5v5, but long-range shots are more successful in 5v5. Conclusions: For rule differences that affect player’s shot selection and affect offensive efficiency, their decisions are characterized by ecological dynamics and naturalistic decision-making.

Keywords: basketball; 3×3; behaviour; offensive efficiency; offensive rating; shot selection; decision-making