A Comparison of 5v5 and 3×3 Men’s Basketball
Regarding Shot Selection and Efficiency
Sports Psychology for Athletes and Coaches
As the value ratio of the close and long-range shots is greater in 3×3, we assume that players make different decisions about their shot selection in 3×3 than in 5v5, which can affect offensive efficiency. Methods: We analysed game statistics of the 2019 men’s 5v5 and 3×3 Basketball World Cups. Besides regular statistical indicators, we applied relative offensive rating to be able to compare the two disciplines. Results: The analysis of relative offensive rating showed that offences are more effective in 5v5 than in 3×3. We also found significant difference in shot selection and efficiency. In 3×3, there is a higher proportion of the shots than in 5v5, but long-range shots are more successful in 5v5. Conclusions: For rule differences that affect player’s shot selection and affect offensive efficiency, their decisions are characterized by ecological dynamics and naturalistic decision-making.