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Urban highways are barriers to social ties - new co-authored research article by Sándor Juhász Read more

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The intertwined geographies of agricultural land and human settlement in Europe - by Imre Fertő and co-authors Read more

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Technology startups in Central and Eastern Europe: are they CEE-specific? New research study by Andrea Szalavetz Read more

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Peers, parents, and self-perceptions: The gender gap in mathematics self-assessment – by Anna Adamecz Read more

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A study by our researchers published in Eurochoices is one of Wiley’s top downloaded article

The Kings of the Corona Crisis: The Impact of the outbreak of Covid-19 on Small-scale Producers in Hungary  Zsófia Benedek, Pál Géza Balogh, Lajos Baráth, Imre Fertő,  Veronika Lajos, Éva Orbán, Gábor G. Szabó, Gusztáv Nemes First published: 07 February 2021 Volume19, Issue3 Special Issue: Covid‐19 Pandemic Impacts on Agri‐food Systems December 2020 Pages 53-59       is among Wiley’s  top downloaded article. […]