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The Contradiction of Social Immobility amongst Roma Youth in Hungary - by Kovai, Puskás and Szőke Read more

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Firm Dynamics and Labour Productivity in Two Regional Centres: Old and New Challenges in the Post-COVID Period Read more

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Partitioned matching games for international kidney exchange - new research article by Péter Biró, Márton Benedek and co-authors Read more

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The effects of a disability employment quota when compliance is cheaper than defiance - research article by Judit Krekó and Álmos Telegdy Read more

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A new co-authored article by Zoltán Elekes has been published in Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society

Regional diversification and labour market upgrading: local access to skill-related high-income jobs helps workers escaping low-wage employment Zoltán Elekes, Anna Baranowska-Rataj, Rikard Eriksson Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society – Published: 07 August 2023 Abstract This article investigates how the evolution of local labour market structure enables or constrains workers as regards escaping low-wage […]