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The Contradiction of Social Immobility amongst Roma Youth in Hungary - by Kovai, Puskás and Szőke Read more

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Firm Dynamics and Labour Productivity in Two Regional Centres: Old and New Challenges in the Post-COVID Period Read more

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Partitioned matching games for international kidney exchange - new research article by Péter Biró, Márton Benedek and co-authors Read more

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The effects of a disability employment quota when compliance is cheaper than defiance - research article by Judit Krekó and Álmos Telegdy Read more

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Governance challenges of resilient local development in peripheral regions – book chapter by Réka Horeczki and Ilona Pálné Kovács

  Resilience and Regional Development New Roadmaps   Edited by Gabriela C. Pascariu, Ramona Ţigănaşu, Karima Kourtit, and Peter Nijkamp Published by: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited Interdisciplinary in its approach, with expert contributors from diverse backgrounds, Resilience and Regional Development brings to light the significance of multiple dimensions of resilience and its implications for the economy. Monograph […]