Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics (Intersections.EEJSP) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal focusing on social sciences (broadly understood) and promoting comparative thinking on Eastern and Central European societies in a global context.
Vol. 9 No. 4 (2023): New forms of social integration fostering the authoritarian turn in Hungary
Published: 2024-03-13
Whose integration? The changing position of the local elite in maintaining social order in a peripheral small town
Judit Zsuzsanna Keller, Tünde Virág
Social capital and trust: the ‘fuel’ of local integration of small rural enterprises
Kyra Tomay, Márk Hegedűs
Local food as resistance Integrating women’s experiences in the Hungarian food sovereignty movement
Luca Sára Bródy, Judit Farkas, Izóra Gál, Kinga Milánkovics, Erika Nagy, Mirjam Sági