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Selected African Studies in Memory of Zsuzsánna Biedermann

Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024


Selected African Studies in Memory of Zsuzsánna Biedermann

Edited by Judit Kiss and István Tarrósy


Authors: Judit Bagi, Gábor Búr, Ráhel Czirják, Judit Kiss, Anna Luca Lator, Viktor Marsai, Judit Ricz, Daniel Solymári, Pásztor Szabolcs, Attila T. Horváth, István Tarrósy, Zoltán Vörös

Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK



The book is a dedication to the memory of Dr Zsuzsánna Biedermann via Hungarian scholarship in African studies. It therefore can contribute to broadening the horizon of global knowledge production on African issues. It delves into several subjects by a series of case studies that analyze African and Eastern European connections, Africa’s developmental states, development and urban segregation and processes of food crisis and migration, while also paying particular attention to the country of Rwanda and the region of East Africa, where Dr Biedermann also carried out field research.

This collection of unpublished papers by distinguished Hungarian scholars of African studies is based on secondary and/or primary research results and uses various methodological tools: archival research, field research and statistical analysis. In several instances, certain papers had originally been designed in collaboration with her, but could not take shape due to her death. It draws attention to Africa-related scholarship from the “other Europe”, i.e., post-Communist Central and Eastern European countries.


Title pages and table of contents