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The Role of the State in Varieties of Capitalism (SVOC) conference – Call for papers

14-15 Nov 2024.



2024. november 14-15-én immár tizedik alkalommal került megrendezésre
a Közgazdaság- és Regionális Tudományi Kutatóközpont Világgazdasági Intézetének
egyik legrangosabb nemzetközi konferenciája

Az állam szerepe a kapitalizmus változataiban / The Role of the State in Varieties of Capitalism (SVOC)





‘The Changing Global Economic and Business Environment: Policy Challenges’

Date: 14–15 November 2024

Venue: HTK, 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán utca 4.

Organiser: Institute of World Economics, HUN-REN Centre for Economic and Regional Studies with the support of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies

Form: in-person

The 2024 Conference Theme

Paved by multiple crises and unexpected shocks, the global economic and business environment has undergone substantial transformations during the past decades, resulting in new policy challenges from the global to the national and regional levels. Actors are more vulnerable and face greater pressure to adapt and improve their resilience. A shifting environment also challenges core principles and values that have long been universally accepted and guided economic policies in recent decades. Novel ideas to interpret ongoing changes is urgently needed to effectively address newly arising challenges that (re-)entered the agenda of academic and policy debates. This led to the renewed interest in analysing the role of the state in supporting the green transition, structural change, as well as increasing the economic and social resilience of national economies in times of crises.

The conference will contribute to theoretical debates and enrich empirical analysis in comparative and international political economy research, with a special focus on the structural, human, and environmental dimensions of development.

The aim of the 10th SVOC International Conference is to invite scholars presenting novel theoretical and empirical analyses on the structural transformations of economies and their broader implications. We particularly encourage that scholars submit research papers that are geared to different levels of analysis, namely, the global, national, regional, or sectoral.

We welcome inquiries that provide a more nuanced understanding of structural change, green transitions, as well as other dimensions of inclusive and sustainable development. In addition to welcoming papers on these topics, we encourage interested researchers to submit papers especially (but not exclusively) on the following topics:

A. Cutting edge debates in research on comparative capitalism

B. Contemporary varieties of state capitalism (case studies and comparative analyses)

C. New industrial policies in the twenty-first century (green and techno-nationalist industrial policies)

D. Structural transformation in more and less developed economies: the role of knowledge- and innovation-intensive sectors

E. Post-crisis models of sustainable development

F. Various aspects of the green transition

G. Empirical evidence on tendencies affected global value chains: disruptions, re-, near-, friend-shoring (?)

H. De-globalization, slowbalization, degrowth perspectives

I. The circular economy

Abstracts (max. 300 words) are welcome until 20 July 2024 through using the provided template. Please, send the abstract to Notifications of acceptance will be sent by the 1th of August.

Keynote Speakers

Andreas NÖLKE, Professor of Political Science at Goethe University (Frankfurt) and Senior Researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE

Title of keynote speech: TBA


Andrei YAKOVLEV, Researcher, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University

Title of keynote speech: TBA

Registration fees

Early bird fee (discount available until 20 September 2024): 95 EUR (for PhD students 60 EUR)

Regular fee (payment deadline 20 October 2024): 120 EUR (for PhD students 80 EUR)

Important dates

Abstract submission: 10 September 2024

Notification of acceptance: 20 September 2024

Conference fee payment (early bird): 10 October 2024

Conference fee payment (regular): 31 October 2024

Conference: 14–15 November 2024

SVOC Scientific Board Members

István BENCZES (Corvinus University Budapest)

Beáta FARKAS (University of Szeged)

Dániel MUTH (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Judit RICZ (Institute of World Economics)

Dorottya SALLAI (London School of Economics)

Magdolna SASS (Institute of World Economics)

John SZABÓ (Institute of World Economics)

Miklós SZANYI (Institute of World Economics)


The following e-mail address is the primary communication channel for SVOC 2024. Participants are kindly asked to use it to submit abstracts and papers. All information issued by the organisers will also be sent from this e-mail.

The primary organizers of the conference are as follows:

Tamás CSONTOS (email:

Veronika CZINA (email:

Emese DOBOS (email:

Tamás PERAGOVICS (email:

While communication through the above mentioned central conference e-mail is to be prioritised, participants are welcome to contact the organizers directly, if they need:

An official invitation letter for visa applications;
An invoice for the conference fee or help with transferring the conference fee;
Assistance, suggestions in making travel and accommodation arrangements, etc