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Peers, parents, and self-perceptions: The gender gap in mathematics self-assessment – by Anna Adamecz Read more

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Research articles by Imre Fertő, Tamás Hajdu, Judit Krekó & Csaba G. Tóth are in the Top 100 Sustainability Scientific Reports papers of 2024 Read more

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The Experiential Advantage in Consumption: Evidence from Hungary - new research article by Gábor Hajdu & Tamás Hajdu Read more

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Accessible, But Not Acceptable - Europe’s shifting relationship with natural gas - by András Deák and John Szabó Read more

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Zoltán Bakucs participates in a research visit in Lusaka to implement a UN FAO project

  Our researcher Zoltán Bakucs is currently participating in a mission in Lusaka, Zambia to implement the project ‘Promoting productive water use and efficient water management in paddy fields‘ in partnership with the Land and Water Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The project is funded by the Japanese […]