The effect of within-school sorting on the socioeconomic test score gap in Hungary – by Zoltán Hermann et al.

Are separate classrooms inherently unequal? The effect of within-school sorting on the socioeconomic test score gap in Hungary Zoltán Hermann, Hedvig Horváth, Dorottya Kisfalusi Economics of Education Review – Volume 103, December 2024 Highlights Within-school sorting on socioeconomic status is prevalent in Hungary. Within-school sorting widens socioeconomic test score inequalities. Sorting […]
Bid-Aggregation Based Clearing of Day-Ahead Electricity Markets

New research article by Dávid Csercsik et al.
The environmental price of battery-recycling plans of the Hungarian government – blog post by Andrea Éltető

It was recently reported that the Hungarian government is also trying to pave the way for battery recycling plants by amending the law, and the Minister of Economy has been persuading several battery recycling companies in South Korea and China to invest in Hungary. According to a statement from the Ministry of Economy, since […]