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Heterogeneity of Emerging Multinationals and the Role of the State – The Case of Czechia and Hungary - by Magdolna Sass Read more

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Comparative analysis of small towns in Bulgaria and Hungary - Theoretical framework Read more

Hajdú-Smahó Melinda, Hardi Tamás, Horváthné Barsi Boglárka, Páthy Ádám, and co-authors Read more

The Hidden Cost of Air Pollution: A Decline in Fertility Across Europe - By Ágnes Szabó-Morvai Read more

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Two Manifestations of the Middle-Income Trap in East-Central Europe - by Tamás Tibor Csontos Read more

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Large language models reduce public knowledge sharing on online Q&A platforms – by Johannes Wachs et al.

Large language models reduce public knowledge sharing on online Q&A platforms R. Maria del Rio-Chanona – Nadzeya Laurentsyeva –  Johannes Wachs PNAS Nexus, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2024, pgae400Published: 11 September 2024     Abstract Large language models (LLMs) are a potential substitute for human-generated data and knowledge resources. This substitution, however, can present a significant […]

The Transformative Power of Hungarian Local Food-Buying Clubs – by Zsófia Benedek

  As the world shifts towards more sustainable and resilient food systems, local initiatives are gaining momentum. In Hungary, local food-buying clubs (BCs) are emerging as grassroots solutions to connect consumers directly with local food producers. Buying clubs not only promote sustainability but also offer a blueprint for alternative food networks (AFNs) that prioritize ethics, […]