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The Contradiction of Social Immobility amongst Roma Youth in Hungary - by Kovai, Puskás and Szőke Read more

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Firm Dynamics and Labour Productivity in Two Regional Centres: Old and New Challenges in the Post-COVID Period Read more

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Partitioned matching games for international kidney exchange - new research article by Péter Biró, Márton Benedek and co-authors Read more

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The effects of a disability employment quota when compliance is cheaper than defiance - research article by Judit Krekó and Álmos Telegdy Read more

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Heterogeneity of Emerging Multinationals and the Role of the State – The Case of Czechia and Hungary – by Magdolna Sass

  The document investigates the emergence of domestically owned multinational enterprises (MNEs) in Czechia and Hungary, analysing the state’s role in their development. Despite similarities in economic structure and historical transitions, the two countries demonstrate distinct dynamics in government-business interactions. While Czechia’s MNEs often operate independently from the state through transferring their headquarters abroad, Hungary’s […]