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Values and subjective well-being of European entrepreneurs - new research article by Ákos Bodor, Zoltán Grünhut and co-authors Read more

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Trade-offs and synergies when balancing economic growth and globalization for sustainable development goals achievement Read more

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Women are underconfident and men are overconfident - new research article by Anna Adamecz Read more

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Crypto Price Predictions: How Activation Functions Shape Neural Network Accuracy - by Tibor Bareith Read more

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International Conference Panel – The challenges of de-risking in contemporary EU-China relations

The HUN-REN CERS – Institute of World Economics
invite you to a Conference Panel on


DATE: November 14, 2024, 11.15-13.00
VENUE: MTA HTK, 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán utca 4. Ground floor, Room K. 11-12
Andreas Nölke (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany; Professor of Political Science, International Relations and International Political Economy)
Varg Folkman (European Policy Centre, Brussels, Belgium; Policy Analyst at EPC’s Europe’s Political Economy Program)
Samuel Rogers (Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom; Post-doctoral researcher at ERC project “Re-orienting development: The dynamics and effects of Chinese infrastructure investment in Europe”)
Csaba Wolf (Vice President of SEMCORP Hungary Ltd., Debrecen, Hungary & Vice President of ChinaCham Hungary)
Panel chair:
Ágnes Szunomár (Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary; head of Institute of Global Studies & senior research fellow at Institute ow World Economics)
Participation at the event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory!
The Conference Panel is supported by the European Policy Centre. Co-funded by the European Union.