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Hell, or Heaven – “The crisis in the country is so severe that it’s hard to believe” Read more

First results from a new research project of Ákos Bodor, Márk Hegedüs and Péter Szegedi Read more

Two manifestations of the middle-income trap in East-Central Europe - new research article by Tamás Tibor Csontos Read more

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Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe After Two Decades of EU Enlargement - article by Magdona Sass Read more

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Do Agri-Environmental Schemes Really Boost Eco-Efficiency? A Look at Hungarian Crop Farms Read more

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KTI Seminar: Bíró, Anikó – Labor Market Tightness, Wage Inequality and Workplace Amenities

The presentation will take place in a hybrid format via zoom interface or in person in the room K.0.11-12 on 16.01.2025, from 13.00.

Speaker: Bíró, Anikó

Title: Labor Market Tightness, Wage Inequality and Workplace Amenities (Anikó Bíró, Joao G. da Fonseca, Attila Lindner, Tímea Laura Molnár)


Firm-level wage premium increases on average with labor market tightness. We focus on the role of compensating wage differentials behind this relation, as competition increases the need for compensation for bad amenities. Using administrative data from Hungary, we proxy bad amenities with the workplace related risk of injury, and study how bad amenities are reflected in firm wage premium over the business cycle. We also document how firm quality is affected by increased worker compensation. Finally, we provide a theoretical background to our results in a search and matching framework.