Program of NYUTO Bulgarian–Romanian–Hungarian Seminar on
Place and date:
CERS Institute for Regional Studies West-Hungarian Research Department, Győr, Liszt F. str. 10. Hungary
20th October 2023 11,00 AM – 14,00 PM (CET)
Teams on-line link: Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 389 183 238 846 Passcode: jpoLxF
11,00–11,10 Opening Tamás Hardi (Head of department – CERS IRS West-Hungarian Research Department)
11,10–11,30 Suburbanization Processes in Sofia – Demographic, Socio-Economic, and Spatial Transformation of
the Agglomeration Area, Assist. Prof. Dr. Boris Kazakov1, Prof. Dr. Nadezhda Ilieva1, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Ravnachka1, Dessislava Poleganova1
National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy, and Geography – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
11,30–11,50 Cross-border Suburbanization of Bratislava. Before and after the pandemic
Prof. Dr. Tamás Hardi, Dr. Márta Nárai, Andrea Pozsgai, CERS Institute for Regional Studies West Hungarian Research Department
11,50–12,10 Spatial and Social Dimensions of Roma Segregation in the Town of Kyustendil
Assist. Prof. Dr. Boris Kazakov1, Todor Lyubenov1, Prof. Dr. Nadezhda Ilieva1, Assist. Prof. Dr. Kamelia Petkova2, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Ravnachka1
1National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy, and Geography – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2Institute of Philosophy and Sociology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
12,10–12,30 Systems of Human Settlements and Cross-Border Cooperation in the Danube-Lined
Romanian/Bulgarian Border Space. Lessons Learned from Giurgiu-Ruse Euro Region.
Dr. Radu Săgeată, Dr. Mihaela Persu, Dr. Nicoleta Damian, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy
12,30–12,50 One-industry towns in Romania. Economic restructuring and climate change adaptation
Dr. Bianca Mitrică, Dr. Ines Grigorescu, Dr. Cristina Dumitrică, Dr. Paul Șerban, Prof. dr. Sorin Cheval, Dr. Ana Popovici, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy
12,50–13,10 Challenges of implementing autonomous vehicles in future cities
Dr. Hajdu–Smahó Melinda, CERS Institute for Regional Studies West Hungarian Research Department
13,10–13,30 Brief retrospective of academic cooperation between Institute of Geography, Bucharest and Centre
for Economic and Regional Studies IRS West-Hungarian Research Department Győr
Dr. Radu Săgeată, Dr. Mihaela Persu, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy
The event is supported by bilateral academic exchange programs of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Romanian Academy and Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Romanian–Hungarian academic exchange program: “Cross-border Cooperation in the Middle and Lower Danube Basin. Geographical Studies with focus on Hungarian and Romanian Danubian Cities.”
Bulgarian–Hungarian academic exchange program: “Environmental effects of the urban and rural sprawl around the middle-sized cities in Hungary and Bulgaria”