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Peers, parents, and self-perceptions: The gender gap in mathematics self-assessment – by Anna Adamecz Read more

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Research articles by Imre Fertő, Tamás Hajdu, Judit Krekó & Csaba G. Tóth are in the Top 100 Sustainability Scientific Reports papers of 2024 Read more

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The Experiential Advantage in Consumption: Evidence from Hungary - new research article by Gábor Hajdu & Tamás Hajdu Read more

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Accessible, But Not Acceptable - Europe’s shifting relationship with natural gas - by András Deák and John Szabó Read more

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RKK40 Anniversary conference Regional and rural development trends over the last forty years

Regional and rural development trends over the last forty years – RKK40


Registration for the conference with a presentation has closed.

You can register as a participant here:

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to seeing you all in Pécs on 29-30 May.

We plan to host the conference in person.


The Institute for Regional Studies was established in 1984 as a network-based research institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) with the task of carrying out multi-disciplinary research on urban and regional issues. The turbulence times of the past 40 years (systemic changes in CEE, EU accessions, financial crisis, Covid-19, environmental challenges) has offered the Institute a wide range of research objectives to answer in urban and regional development studies.

The conference focuses on the current challenges in urban and regional development with a retrospective hint.


Conference date: 29-30 May 2024

Conference venue: Pécs (Hungary), The Bishopric of Pécs, Granary Visitor Information Centre (How to get to the venue.)

If you need help:

Wednesday, 29 May 2024


9:00 – Registration (Granary entrance)
10:30 – 12:50

(Bonipert room)

Plenary session: Welcome and Keynote speeches (Bonipert room)


Tibor Navracsics (Minister of Public Administration and Regional Development)

Roland Jakab (Chief Executive Officer, HUN-REN Hungarian Research Network)

Imre Fertő (General Director, HUN-REN Centre for Economic and Regional Studies)


Franziska Sielker (Professor, TU Vienna & University of Cambridge)

James W. Scott (Professor, University of Eastern Finland)

József Benedek (Professor, Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca)

12:50 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:30 Parallel sessions in 4 rooms
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 17:30 Parallel sessions in 4 rooms
17:30 – 18:00 Coffee break
18:00 – 19:30 Roundtable (Bonipert room)
20:00 – 22:00 Dinner


Thursday, 30 May 2024

9:00 – 10:30 Parallel sessions in 3 rooms
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30 Parallel sessions in 3 rooms
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:00 Parallel sessions in 3 rooms
15:00 – 16:00 Plenary lecture and closing of conference


Detailed programme and session plan: Program

Parallel session rooms


Date Time Room Bonipert Room Belon Room Ground floor The Lapidarium („Kőtár”)
29 May
14:00 – 15:30 SS7 S3 S9/A S12/A
16:00 – 17:30 S4/A S12/B SS2 S11/A
30 May
9:00 – 10:30 S9/B SS1/A SS6
11:00 – 12:30 S4/B SS1/B S5
13:30 – 15:00 SS8 S10 S11/B



Scientific committee: Prof. Dr. James W. Scott, Prof. Dr. Ilona Pálné Kovács, Dr. Viktor Varjú

Organising committee: Dr. Katalin Süle, Dr. Réka Horeczki, Tamás Szabó, Dr. Zsuzsanna Zsibók



The conference is partly supported by the Regional Studies Association.

Conference fee: 42 000 HUF or 125 EUR
One-day fee: 25 000 HUF or 65 EUR

Please see the RKK40 payment instructions and fill out the RKK40 payment form.

Contact and information: 

How to get to Pécs and other useful travel information are in this flyer