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The Experiential Advantage in Consumption: Evidence from Hungary - new research article by Gábor Hajdu & Tamás Hajdu Read more

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Technology startups in Central and Eastern Europe: are they CEE-specific? New research study by Andrea Szalavetz Read more

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Peers, parents, and self-perceptions: The gender gap in mathematics self-assessment – by Anna Adamecz Read more

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Research articles by Imre Fertő, Tamás Hajdu, Judit Krekó & Csaba G. Tóth are in the Top 100 Sustainability Scientific Reports papers of 2024 Read more

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The Experiential Advantage in Consumption: Evidence from Hungary - new research article by Gábor Hajdu & Tamás Hajdu Read more

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Technology startups in Central and Eastern Europe: are they CEE-specific? New research study by Andrea Szalavetz Read more

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Territorial Processes In Central And Southeast-Europe





Bulgarian-Hungarian Seminar

organised by HUN-REN CERS Institute for Regional Studies West-Hungarian Research Department and Hungarian Regional Science Association Western Transdanubia Section

Place and date:

HUN-REN CERS Institute for Regional Studies West-Hungarian Research Department, Győr, Liszt F. str. 10. Hungary


15th October 2024

09:00 AM – 11:10 AM (CET)

Teams online link: Click here to join the meeting  

Meeting ID: 334 903 349 157

Passcode: KYxnsX

09:00–09:10 Tamás Hardi (Head of department – HUN-REN CERS IRS West-Hungarian Research Department) – Opening

09:10-09:30 Nadezhda Ilieva1, Aleksandra Ravnachka1, Desislava Varadzhakova1, Boris Kazakov1, Stefan Genchev 1, Antonina Atanasova 1, Marina Raykova 1, Dessislava Poleganova1, Petar Kirilov1, Todor Lubenov1, Kamelia Petkova2, Georgi Bardarov3, Kaloyan Tsvetkov3, Krasimir Asenov4

(1 National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (NIGGG-BAS), Sofia; 2 Institute of Philosophy and Sociology-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IPS-BAS), Sofia; 3 Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“, Sofia; 4 University of Agribusiness and Rural Development, Plovdiv)

Spatial Models of Roma Ghettoized Urban Structures in Bulgaria (Contract №КП-06-Н65/7 – 12.12.2022, BNSF-MES) – preliminary results

Questions, answers, discussion

09:40-10:00 Marina Raykova; Desislava Varadzhakova; Nadezhda Ilieva; Aleksandra Ravnachka; Dessislava Poleganova (National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (NIGGG-BAS, Sofia)

Modeling and research of public attitudes of Bulgarian citizens regarding the image of domestic leisure tourism – situational analysis and conceptual framework for overcoming the negatives

Questions, answers, discussion

10:10-10:30 Boglárka Barsi1, Melinda Smahó1, Monika Foltyn-Zarychta2; Rafał Buła2

(1HUN-REN CERS Institute for Regional Studies West-Hungarian Research Department; 2University of Economics in Katowice) The Profit, the Community or the Mission? What Drives Collaboration between For-profit and Social Enterprises?

Questions, answers, discussion


10:40-11:00 Marcell Kupi (HUN-REN CERS Institute for Regional Studies West-Hungarian Research Department)

Central and Eastern European tourists’ decision-making in the digital tourism era.

Questions, answers, discussion

11:10 Closing of the Seminar



Acknowledgement: The event is supported by Billateral cooperation and exchange agreements between Bulgaria (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography) and Hungary (HUN-REN CERS Institute for Regional Studies West-Hungarian Research Department, Győr), grant agreement number IC-HU/04/2024-2025 and project titled “Socio-Economic Problems in Development of Small Towns in Bulgaria and Hungary – Comparative Analysis”