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Comparative analysis of small towns in Bulgaria and Hungary - Theoretical framework Tovább olvasom

Hajdú-Smahó Melinda, Hardi Tamás, Horváthné Barsi Boglárka, Páthy Ádám, és szerzőtársaik Tovább olvasom

Mi a csalás? Ki a csaló? Miért csalunk? Mikor csalunk? Ha egyszer csalunk, akkor mindig fogunk? Tovább olvasom

Keller Tamás és Kiss Hubert János az ELTE Neveléstudományi Intézet podcastjában Tovább olvasom

Kiderült, miért zöldebbek azok a gazdaságok, amelyeket nők vezetnek - Fertő Imre & Štefan Bojnec kutatási eredményei Tovább olvasom

Tovább olvasom

Kevesebb antidepresszánsra van szüksége annak, akinek szélesebb a kapcsolatrendszere Tovább olvasom

Tovább olvasom

N. Rózsa Erzsébet és szerzőtársai Kína, Európa és Afrika viszonyrendszerét elemzik új könyvfejezetükben Tovább olvasom

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Cultural Homophily and Collaboration in Superstar Teams - Békés Gábor és Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano cikke Tovább olvasom

Tovább olvasom

Hungarian Pre-Presidency Conference

Hungarian Pre-Presidency Conference: Changes and Challenges in the European Union


On 1 July 2024, Hungary will take over the reins of the Council of the European Union, holding the Rotating Presidency for the second time since its accession to the European Union twenty years ago, in May 2004. In 2024, the year of European elections, a new Strategic Agenda, a new Commission mandate, as well as new and continuing challenges facing the European project, bridging the gap between policy-makers, academics, and citizens has never been more important.

To discuss the aims and priorities of the incoming Hungarian Presidency, as well as the crucial files needing attention in the EU, the HUN-REN Centre for Economics and Regional Studies – Institute of World Economics and the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) are co-organising the Hungarian Pre-Presidency Conference (PPC): “Changes and Challenges in the European Union”.

The Hungarian PPC takes place on 13-14 June 2024 in Budapest. The conference will be held at the HUN-REN CERS  Institute of World Economics headquarters, 4. Tóth Kálmán Street, Budapest-1097.




Participation in this event is free but registration is compulsory via the following link:


This Pre-Presidency Conference is organised by the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) and the HUN-REN Centre for Economics and Regional Studies – Institute of World Economics. The event is co-funded by the European Union in the framework of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme. The event is in cooperation with the Hungarian Economic Association, Videoton Holding and Grawe Insurance.

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