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Szalavetz Andrea tanulmánya megjelent a Post-Communist Economies folyóiratban Tovább olvasom

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Megjelent Tóth G. Csaba "A népességváltozás mozgatórugói a visegrádi országokban 1990 és 2020 között" című könyvfejezete a TÁRKI kiadványában Tovább olvasom

Tovább olvasom

KTI Szeminárium: Emma Duchini – School management takeover, leadership change, and personnel policy

2023.12.14. Szemináriumi terem; 13.00-kor.

Előadó: Emma Duchini  /Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Essex/

Cím: School management takeover, leadership change, and personnel policy


Failing, high-poverty public schools notoriously struggle to attract and retain good teachers. This paper studies a setting where independent non-profit institutions take over the management of low-performing schools, while funding remains public. Exploiting the staggered expansion of English Sponsor-led academies since the early 2000s, we show that the Sponsor-led takeover leads to substantial changes in the teaching body and the school personnel policy. The probability that the Sponsor appoints a new headteacher doubles upon the takeover, with the new headteacher being, on average, younger, better paid, and more likely to come from outstanding schools. The takeover also induces teacher sorting, with older, lower-achieving teachers leaving the school, and new teachers joining the Sponsor-led school from outstanding schools. Lastly, Sponsors substantially restructure teachers’ rewarding scheme and abandon a pay scale entirely based on seniority, leading to a 10 percent increase in pay dispersion across equally experienced teachers.

Az előadásra hibrid formában kerül sor zoom felületen, illetve személyesen a T 4.23-as KTI szemináriumi szobában 2023.12.07-én, 13.00 órától.