2023.11.30. 13.00-kor a T 4.23-as KTI szemináriumi szobában.
Előadó: Gáspár Attila
Cím: Print it yourself! – The electoral impact of grassroots media
We evaluate the electoral impact of a grass-roots campaign in Hungary („Nyomtass te is!”) which tried to facilitate voters’ access to news stories before the 2022 legislative elections. The organizers compiled a weekly newsletter from the stories featured in independent outlets that were largely absent in mainstream pro-government media. These newsletters were distributed by thousands of volunteers in smaller Hungarian towns and villages during the months before the election. We estimate the impact of newsletter circulation on various political outcomes on election day 2022. Though the circulation is not randomized, we can control for a host of settlement-level socio-economic characteristics, past election history and proxies of present campaign efforts made by politicians, and exploit GPS data on activists’ routes for identification. We find small but significant positive impacts 1) on turnout, 2) on opposition vote shares, 3) invalid vote share in a government-backed referendum (the organizer’s favored outcome), and 4) a larger, but only marginally significant impact on locally perceived election integrity. We find no effect on Fidesz support. The magnitude of the estimated effects suggests that the campaign did not succeed in swaying the election outcome.
Az előadásra hibrid formában kerül sor zoom felületen, illetve személyesen a T 4.23-as KTI szemináriumi szobában 2023.11.30-án, 13.00 órától.