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KTI szeminárium: Oleg Badunenko

Az előadásra hibrid formában kerül sor zoom felületen, illetve személyesen 2025.03.06-án, 13.00 órától.

Előadó: Oleg Badunenko


BIO: Oleg Badunenko is an Associate Professor at Brunel University London. His research interests are in the economics and applied microeconometrics. Oleg’s focus is on efficiency and productivity analysis in various areas of societal life, whereby he both develops and applies best-practice methods, and provides software for practitioners. As such, he investigates real-world phenomena in health, education but also in banking and manufacturing. His research investigates the socio-economic determinants of behavior and efficiency at the school and higher education levels, and determinants of productivity in the health care sector. His recent work investigates choices that individuals make trading off security and privacy as well public and private sector employment. He is additionally working on issues related to competition in banking and effects of macroeconomic events on banks’ behavior.
