Időpont: 2023.05.18. 13.00
Helyszín: T4.23-as szemináriumi előadó
Szerzők: Pető Rita & Reizer Balázs; FDI, Innovation and within Firm Inequality: Evidence from Hungary
Previous studies showed that foreign investment and export increases inequality in developing countries. This increase is mostly driven by the growth of across-firm wage differentials. We estimate the effect of FDI on within-firm inequality using a high-quality Hungarian linked employer-employee database. We show that FDI increases the returns to abstract tasks and does not affect the returns to routine tasks and face-to-face tasks. This process leads to increasing within-firm inequality. We investigate the potential mechanisms behind the results. We show that firms after FDI do not change the share of different tasks in production and implement more innovation right after FDI. The most likely explanation for the results is that firms change their technology in a skilled-biased way.
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