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KTI szeminárium: Tim Pawlowski

Az előadásra hibrid formában kerül sor zoom felületen, illetve személyesen 2025.05.15-én, 13.00 órától.

Előadó: Tim Pawlowski

Copyright by Julia Basmann



Tim studied Economics at U Cologne and Sports Science at the German Sport U where he also earned his PhD before joining U Tübingen as a Full Professor of Sport Economics in 2012. He is a founding board member of the European Sport Economics Association, member of the LEAD Graduate School and Research Network, and elected Vice Dean for Research of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. Tim’s empirical work follows three broader research lines – ‘society and public policy’, ‘leagues and competitions’, ‘media and management’ – and was supported with research grants from the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), UEFA, and FIFA. Amongst others, he was principal investigator in research projects conducted on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Finance, the Federal Institute for Sports Science, and Major League Soccer. Moreover, Tim served as a guest speaker invited by institutions, such as the Council of the European Union, the Sports Committee of the German National Parliament, or UNICEF, and different clubs, leagues, and associations.
